Pengembangan Manajemen Usaha Pempek Melalui Program Community Development di Cianjur, Jawa Barat
According to Disnakertrans, there is an increase of income from jobs in the sub-district which makes financial management even more important, therefore The Community Development Program will help small businesses manage their finances. The Community Development Program helps out small businesses with the help of Prasetiya Mulya University students majoring in business, finance, marketing, and events. The team will take on a small Pempek business with no brand name, no standard of operational procedure, and little financial management. The team’s task is to improve and develop the small business in one month to help the business sustain against competitions. The team has jumpstarted it’s sales, marketing, human resources, finance, and operation with an investment worth of Rp 2 million, an operational rework to make the production run smoothly, promotions, and constant mentoring from the team.
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