Produktivitas Dan Pemasaran Produk Rempeyek pada Usaha Mikro Kecil Menengah di Cianjur
The development of Micro, Small and Medium - Scale Business in Indonesia is carried out to improve the economy and create jobs for the community. Nowadays, many Micro, Small and Medium - Scale Business in the culinary sector in Cianjur utilize the regional culinary diversity to develop the businesses they are running. One type of regional culinary that has the opportunity to be developed into an attractive business is peanut brackets. In developing its business, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises are still lacking knowledge to be able to carry out the production process effectively and efficiently. In addition, MSME players also experienced problems in managing business licenses to expand the marketing distribution network of peanut products. Through business assistance by a group of builders in the Prasetiya Mulya University Community Development activities in Cianjur, production processes and product quality are improved through the creation of standard operating procedures, education, and realization of business licensing, and improving product marketing strategies. Through 1-month direct assistance, partners succeed in gaining new marketing places, getting revenue & profit increases, and partners are becoming more independent in running their business.

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