Faktor-Faktor yang Menghalangi Penjualan Rempeyek Skala Kecil
Rempeyek is one of the complementary food from Indonesia that has unique form, different texture, and it also has many different topping to make a rempeyek. Beside rempeyek, rengginang is also our job as a Prasetiya Mulya student in Community Development subject to improve their business and our partner name is Ibu Lilis. The first problem is that Ibu Lilis didn’t have a brand or logo, didn’t have a good neat product, didn’t have enough capital, lack of human resource, and lack of knowledge to make a financial records. The solution to increase small scale business and wider market were consignment strategy, create a new brand and logo, change the quality of the packaging to become more durable. Method that we used for this solution is SWOT. This is done by practicing directly with partners to provide knowledge about all aspects; marketing, finance, operations, and human resources to develop partner businesses to be more developed. Finally, The product that Ibu Lilis produced can grow to be better quality, have a structured financial report, and get higher profit than before.

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