Studi Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia (SAKI) is a peer-reviewed journal published by Universitas Prasetiya Mulya, twice a year (January and July). It is accredited by The Indonesian Ministry of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency based on SK Kemenristek/BRIN No. 148/KPT/2020 (for the period of 2020-2024). SAKI aims to publish articles in the field of accounting and finance that provide a significant contribution to the development of accounting practices and the accounting profession in Indonesia and the Asian region.
SAKI provides insights into the field of accounting and finance for academics, practitioners, researchers, regulators, students, and other parties interested in the development of accounting practices and accounting professions. SAKI accepts manuscripts of either quantitative or qualitative research, uses of wide array of research methods (e.g. archival, survey, experiment, case study, semi-structured interviews, etc.), and is written in either Indonesian or English. SAKI accepts manuscripts from Indonesian authors and also authors from various parts of the Asian region.
SAKI is in collaboration with the Institute of Indonesia Chartered Accountants or Ikatan Akuntan Indonesia (IAI) and Aliansi Pengelola Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Indonesia (Aljebi).

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Online ISSN: 2654-6221
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Studi Akuntansi dan Keuangan Indonesia (SAKI)
Vol. 7, No. 2, 2024
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