Developing an Online Platform for Air Charter Services in Indonesia: A Feasibility Study
This study assessed the feasibility of developing an online platform for connecting air charter providers operating in Indonesia with their potential customers. The size of air charter market size in Indonesia and its growth were investigated through literature studies. Subsequently, a series of interviews were carried out to collect specific information and insights from potential users. The interviewees from air charter provider side were full service, low cost carrier, and medium service airlines while the interviewees from customer side were travel agents, independent travellers, and corporations. Website developers were also interviewed to investigate technical and financial challenges of developing the online platform. The literature studies found that the market size of air charter in Indonesia is promising and expected to grow rapidly. The interview results indicated that the needs are high and the potential users are interested in using the online platform once it is available. This paper also suggested some important requirements to be accommodated in the online platform.
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