Conference & Exhibition on Business, Applied Science and Technology (INNOSCAPE 2018) is a melting pot of tech creators, innovation-driven companies, entrepreneurs, researchers, and academics, whose imaginations have transcended into the creation of new businesses or rejuvenation of existing businesses through science and technological advances. It serves as a platform for discussions and networking to spark collaborations towards more innovations. How these can positively impact economic growth and well-beingness of society will be centrally addressed. This forum is key to an interaction that will further confirm the predominant color of applied science, technology and innovation in the narratives of future businesses.

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Aim of the Conference

Innoscape 2018 aims:
* To bridge creators or inventors with business and societies so as to bring and add values to both sides.
* To strengthen the spirit of collaboration among diverse tech and business stakeholders driven towards more innovations that positively impact societies.
* To provide a platform for creators, companies, researchers, academics, and entrepreneurs to interact, discuss innovations, and expand their networks.

Research scientists, engineers, tech creators, academics, entrepreneurs, business professionals and others interested in the grand theme of innovation are invited to attend and participate in Innoscape 2018.

ISSN (printed) : 2684-6837


1. Dr. Aditya Putranto, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

2. Prof. Agus Soehadi, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

3. Dr. Eng. Bayu Prabowo, Pertamina Research & Technology Center

4. Prof. Don Rahtz, College William & Mary

5. Dr. Elliott Simangunsong, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

6. Prof. Dr. Erman A minullah, Indonesian Institute of Sciences

7. Dr. Eunice Sari, UX Indonesia

8. Dr. Fathony Rahman, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

9. Dr. Ihsan Iswaldi, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

10. Dr. Iis Tussyadiah, University of Surrey

11. Dr. Indria Handoko, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

12. Prof. Dr. Janson Naiborhu, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

13. Prof. Lizar Alfansi, Ph.D, University of Bengkulu

14. Dr. Muhamad Reza, Solvina International & Telkom University

15. Dr. Stevanus W. Wijaya, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

16. Dr. Yalun Arifin, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

17. Dr. Yanto Chandra, City University of Hong Kong

18. Prof. Dr. Yudi Samyudia, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya

19. Dr. Zaki S. Saldi, Universitas Prasetiya Mulya


Conference Chairman : Djis man S. Simandjuntak

Steering Committee : Yudi Samyudia, Chair; Agus W, Soehadi, Member; Janson Naiborhu, Member

Organizing Committee : Fathony Rahman, Chair

Secretariat : Harum Fadhilatunnur, Coordinator; Yohana Desi, Member; Putri Utami Ruswandi, Member; Dita Kustiandany, Member

Finance : Veronica Febi A malia, Coordinator; Athalia Ariati Hidayat, Member

Event : Hanesman Alkhair, Coordinator; Nio Febrina, Member; Misbah, Member; Andika Putra, Member; lndra Hendraputra, Member

Program Sub-Committee : lhsan lswaldi, Co-Chair; Joklan I.C Goni, Co-Chair; Zaki Saldi, Member; Yudho Hartono, Member; Nurmalia, Member; Rizqa Tsania, Member; lndah Susanti, Member

Marketing Communication : Fidelis S. H. Simanjuntak, Coordinator; Alvin Desfiandi, Member; Valantino Agus, Member; Roxanne Akil, Member; Firna Maulia Wardhani, Member