Penggunaan Google Docs Untuk Mendukung Budaya Literasi Siswa SD
Literacy is a person's ability to read and write. Literacy increases one's knowledge by reading and writing. Cikentang State Elementary School is one of the educational units that have implemented ICT in their learning process. The main purpose of learning ICT at SDN Cikentang is to prepare ANBK, and also to provide students with basic skills in using computers such as Microsoft Office. Based on the results of observations, field surveys and interviews with community service partners, it is known that there are several problems that exist at SDN Cikentang, firstly the use of ICT can only be accessed in schools and secondly there is still a lack of knowledge of students in using Google Docs and the importance of digital literacy. This service activity is carried out with a target for 5th grade students at SDN Cikentang. The purpose of this service activity is to provide knowledge and insight about Google Docs for students at SDN Cikentang and help students to increase creativity in actualizing thoughts about using Google Docs for daily literacy needs.

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