Pendampingan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah Keripik Beras Kelapa Aci Dalam Peningkatan Efisiensi dan Efektivitas Produksi
In the last few decades, producers of snack industry are competing competitively to create creative products from existing natural resources. A community in Cibeureum village, located in the west of Cianjur, have a penchant for processing snacks, either as their main job or secondary job. The research team had the opportunity to assist one of the partners, Mrs. Ida to extend her hobby of producing snacks into one of the business lines that could be a source of her additional income. This article aims to show the importance of the effectiveness role on business, especially in terms of producing the chips (rice, coconut, tapioca flour). In order to achieve the effectiveness and efficiency of the production process, research and development program is needed. Standard Operating Procedure is also needed to ease the production process and reducing defect products. It can be concluded that the production process of the chips (rice, coconut, tapioca flour) will be effective if it’s managed prudently, based on standard which is a result of the research and development.
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