
Shandra Rama Panji Wulung Cep Ubad Abdullah Ersy Ervina


The Sunda Strait tsunami is one of the natural disasters that hit tourism destinations, including ones in Tanjung Lesung, Indonesia. To this relation, it is important for tourism destination managers and stakeholders to be involved in the post-disaster response. The main objective of this study is to identify the efforts of Tanjung Lesung tourism destination management in post- disaster response after the Sunda Strait Tsunami. This study employed a qualitative method aiming at exploring the roles of tourism destination managers. The data used in this study included both primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained through observation, interviews, and documentation in Tanjung Lesung tourism destinations. In the meantime, the secondary data were obtained through literature study, government policies, books, and reports from relevant stakeholders. Qualitative descriptive analysis and content analysis were used in this study. The study found that the efforts of Tanjung Lesung tourism destination management at the post-disaster response stage include emergency preparedness and management activities supported by stakeholders, both national and international, which aim to protect affected populations and limit initial disaster damages and minimize damages from secondary impacts. In addition, Tanjung Lesung tourism destination managers prevent disproportionate media coverage. On the other hand, there are findings that indicate a lack of understanding and preparedness of destination managers for disaster risk reduction efforts. This research can be a reference for other tourism destinations, especially coastal tourism destinations, in supporting sustainable tourism destinations.


How to Cite
WULUNG, Shandra Rama Panji; ABDULLAH, Cep Ubad; ERVINA, Ersy. POST-DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN TOURISM DESTINATION: A CASE OF TANJUNG LESUNG, INDONESIA. The 2019 International Conference on Culture, Technology, and Tourism (CTT), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, dec. 2019. Available at: <https://journal.prasetiyamulya.ac.id/journal/index.php/ctt/article/view/344>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.