
Isnawati Lydia Wantasen


Minahasa is the biggest tribe in North Sulawesi, one of the tribes is Southeast Minahasa. The regency has some sub-tribes along with its local language as Ponosakan is the locus of the research. Language is an essence, a fascinating phenomenon because of its unique role in capturing the breadth of human thought. The linguists records that this language has endangered one due to the limitless of the speaker. Big effort in many ways has been doing by local government to promote for the sustainability. Technology plays important role in supporting the endangered language and its tourism object as well in online community. By creating and generating the small group discussion or communal events could produce the industrious product dealing the natural and human resources, namely ecological conservation. Qualitative and quantitative method are applied in this research by using social media—facebook and instagram as the material data. The comments and personal information are gathered from in-depth interview and comments from those social media. Marshall McLuhan’s theory of “Global Village” is used to illustrate of the development on technology and information as the big village enclosing people in it.  The result shows that the using and practicing the local language as vehicle of communication enhance the sustainability of cultural heritage.


How to Cite
WANTASEN, Isnawati Lydia. SYNERGIZING LOCAL LANGUAGE AND TECHNOLOGY TO PROMOTE THE SUSTAINABILITY LOCAL TOURISM IN SOUTHEAST MINAHASA-NORTH SULAWESI. The 2019 International Conference on Culture, Technology, and Tourism (CTT), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, dec. 2019. Available at: <https://journal.prasetiyamulya.ac.id/journal/index.php/ctt/article/view/343>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.