
Irina Mildawani Veronika Widi Prabawasari


Gabusan-Manding-Tembi were three villages close to Yogyakarta known as the GMT villages, located along the corridor of main tourism road between Yogyakarta and Parangtritis Beach. The distance between each village and the absence of architectural uniformity were among the obstacles in creating the unity development concept of these GMT tourism connecting corridor. This condition hindered the unity characteristic of architectural facilities for tourism. There were plan and design proposal to build recreational facilities in contemporary architectural styles along the corridor between the traditional villages This paper aimed to examine to what extent the theory of space and place activation could create the awareness of global spirit of universalism architecture. The research methodology was qualitative and visual observation. The result was to support public policy in making a livable landscape and cultural tourism activities which strengthen the unique characteristic the GMT tourism corridor. It was hoped that this corridor would increase the local people opportunity of participation to enhance tourism value through space and place activation along the main corridor of Yogyakarta to Parangtritis Beach. Furtherly it was hoped that the visitors would enjoy the ambience of traditional Javanese villages in a sustainable contemporary landscape and cultural tourism.


How to Cite
MILDAWANI, Irina; PRABAWASARI, Veronika Widi. ENHANCING TOURISM VALUE THROUGH SPACE AND PLACE ACTIVATION AT GABUSAN-MANDING-TEMBI VILLAGES TOURISM CORRIDOR. The 2019 International Conference on Culture, Technology, and Tourism (CTT), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, dec. 2019. Available at: <https://journal.prasetiyamulya.ac.id/journal/index.php/ctt/article/view/342>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.