
Made Handijaya Dewantara Leonis Marchalina


Infrastructure development plays important role to economic growth in Indonesia, especially for tourism sector, for those related to tourist accessibility. Central government then renovated the main entrance of foreign tourists in Indonesia, Ngurah Rai Airport - Bali. Unfortunately, airport renovations that have absorbed trillions of financial budget will not immediately have a positive impact on tourists, without the support of quality services either to reach or even exceed tourist expectations. This study aims to get an overview of the role of airport infrastructure in supporting tourism in Bali and the perception of foreign tourists about the quality of service in it. This study attempted to identify the tourist behavior and perspectives related to their satisfaction of service quality after the renovation of Ngurah Rai airport due to the eruption disaster. This research was conducted by conducting a focus group discussion with PT Angkasa Pura I and conducting in-depth interviews to 10 foreign tourists who have or have used airport facilities. The study was conducted during period of September-October 2019. Data analysis has been carried out in a qualitative descriptive by also applying relevant theories. The results showed that visitors' perceptions of Ngurah Rai Airport, from secondary data showed a positive result, increasing since 2015, with final score of 4.81. Three dimensions of service quality are servicescape (space layout, ambient, conditions, signs, symbols: cultural dimensions); service personnel (attitudes, behaviors, and expertise); and services (productivity, maintenance, and leisure) are still remain tremendous, although there are still some elements from expertise and space layout that still needs improvement.


How to Cite
DEWANTARA, Made Handijaya; MARCHALINA, Leonis. THE TOURIST PERCEPTION TOWARDS SERVICE QUALITY AT NGURAH RAI AIRPORT: CASE STUDY ON RENOVATION TOWARDS POST ERUPTION 2018. The 2019 International Conference on Culture, Technology, and Tourism (CTT), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, dec. 2019. Available at: <https://journal.prasetiyamulya.ac.id/journal/index.php/ctt/article/view/338>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.