
Peni Zulandari Suroto Aulia Ardista Wiradarmo Made Handijaya Dewantara


With collections in form of historical objects, as well as objects related to human culture, museums have taken an important role in providing education, especially for tourists who visiting a destination. However, at its conditions who have lacks of innovation, has implications for the declining number in interest of tourists to come and dig deeper into the collections in the museum. The form of innovation carried out in this art exhibition uses technology, including artificial intelligence. These forms of innovation that have been carried out by the art exhibition performance form should also be replicated by other museums in Indonesia. The research will be conducted to answer how could technology applied during social arts performance at the museum?

Research will be conducted by inviting some practitioners of technology application at museum, augmented reality, virtual reality, private sectors, government (both central and local government), and museum administrator. Focus group discussion and depth observation will be conducted on January in several areas in Jakarta. This research is expected to answer interaction and immersion model which could still be remain after technology applied at museum. It is also expected to answer in which ways technology could be immersed in visitor’s experience with technology that could be classified into non-immersive (within a screen), semi-immersive (projected into a huge screen or a wall), and fully immersive (with a headset such as Virtual Cardboard or Oculus Rift). Interaction and immersion model will be linked with six dimensions of well being experienced, that should be occurred for visitor’s journey at the museum, including self-acceptance, positive relations, autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, and purpose in life.


How to Cite
SUROTO, Peni Zulandari; WIRADARMO, Aulia Ardista; DEWANTARA, Made Handijaya. TECHNOLOGY APPLICATION IN MUSEUM. The 2019 International Conference on Culture, Technology, and Tourism (CTT), [S.l.], v. 1, n. 2, dec. 2019. Available at: <https://journal.prasetiyamulya.ac.id/journal/index.php/ctt/article/view/334>. Date accessed: 22 feb. 2025.